Saturday, January 22, 2011

I'll see if anyone makes it through this entire post with a straight face in a posh British accent. Especially you. Yes you. You know who you are.

Mr. RCL.

ASHLEY HO. Experience the RANDOMNESS I blessed you with once again in this blog. No, no Prince Solomon, but yeah. Still relevantly wonderfully random.

I met a boy named Adam once. Adam was ten, and like any talkative boy of his age, he was on a constant sugar rush. We were both in this... Parliament house. Well, old parliament house, to be exact. He was looking at the bright lights in the house and he was going towards them.

"THEY ARE... THE CAMERAS OF DOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111"

Then he looked at the pillars and started screaming about how they were the.... PILLARHSSSS OF PARANOIAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

Then a half French half Japanese man jumped out from behind the pillars and started dancing to Single Ladies by Beyonce.

NOT! Then an evil vacuum cleaner came up to the parliament and revealed itself to be a GIANT SOTONG. MUAHAHAHAHAHA AND IT SUCKED EVERYONE UP. Fortunately, Miss Bacon came along and saved the day by throwing some punches at it and out fell my dear friend Ruth.

Okay, now it's really ended. :)

Veni,vidi,vici... 5:20 AM

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm so scared of tomorrow. A blank canvas of nothingness. I keep pressing on, but nothing's happening. I'm really very scared. Sometimes, I wish I could switch lives with someone else. Everyday, it feels like I'm playing some Russian roulette. I feel like I'm going to get shot at point blank and lose it all. I'm going crazy. I'm going to lose it all. I'm really going to lose it all. I find it funny that so many people ask me advice, but nobody seems to notice who's the weaker one amongst them. In this strange, complicated world. I feel really alone. Really really alone. I don't know why. It feels as if the events of the last year have disappointed me too much. Too too much. I've lost most of my faith in everyone already. How far away is heaven? How far away are the days of a tomorrow that I could believe in?

God, tell me.

Veni,vidi,vici... 2:00 AM

%that's me
Kimberlyn. I'm so unique, I'm almost a brand. Sounds ironic. But hey, it's a crazy and awesome world anyway. I love this life I'm living, thanks. :D

~ love
~ hugs
~ silky shiny hair

~ Heaven
~ Cosplay
~ Scanner.


Customize the width and height to a smaller one :)

Use your unbelievably limited cranial capacity to scroll to the right. >>>>>>>>>>>





Image-Creator & Designer:

Brushes: 1| 2| 3
BaseCodes by !takeaway


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