Sunday, November 7, 2010

I've learnt that there is no use in comforting oneself into thinking one is all-appreciating, great, philosophical and wise when in actual fact, we're just laughing at one another.

Face it. Many of us either think that we're different from the rest or worse off than the rest. It's a way of identity I guess? Or maybe it's some sort of confidence booster. Like, "Oh my gosh, I probably sound all good and cool to you because I appreciate the rising sun and the winds and the blahblahblah." I think that's what I've been doing all along. I mean, we make ourselves sound oh-so righteous and everything. Like, why can't we exemplify our OWN weaknesses instead of constantly criticizing others? Even the sentence before was an example of 'pretending to all goody.'

But still, we can't help it. There are like, how many billion people on this earth, and because of that, there really can't be some common understanding of what is normal. In some communities, (not going to mention where though.) the eldest daughter of the family is given up to prostitution. Now everyone's like, "Whuuuut?! Ohmygosh that's so horrible!" In actual fact, those eldest daughters are quite honoured to be the family's sacrifice and main income source. So... Who are we to judge?

Then here comes the problem. If we DON'T judge, then we CAN'T have opinions. So if the world doesn't have opinions, I wouldn't be making any sense right now. And all that I typed before is a bunch of crap. Yadayadayaaa. See, I'm judging again. I guess it's just human nature. I guess we really cant help laughing at each other then. After all, who wants such a boring life? :)

Veni,vidi,vici... 12:08 AM

%that's me
Kimberlyn. I'm so unique, I'm almost a brand. Sounds ironic. But hey, it's a crazy and awesome world anyway. I love this life I'm living, thanks. :D

~ love
~ hugs
~ silky shiny hair

~ Heaven
~ Cosplay
~ Scanner.


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