Thursday, October 22, 2009

Title: Hossan Leong rocks!

Yes, he rocks and rocks and rocks and rocks!!! Haha, he's so funny.

Okay, that was lame. -_-" Anyway, vocabulary of the day.

mai huanluo- Dont talk f*** (Hokkien)
chottomatte kudasai- Please excuse me ( Japanese)
lambadad- Is not a fish, animal or bird.
shawtie- A hot chick. (?!)

Now, let's move on to the section; Joke of the Day

One day, a man came to a class of kindergardeners with some lifesavers. The lifesavers were colored like their flavors, and he gave them to the children to identify the flavors.
"Cherry... apple..." They recited each of the flavors with ease.
He finally gave them a golden colored lifesaver that was honey-flavored. The kids couldn't decipher the flavor.
"It's what your mother would call your father," he hinted.
One girl immediately jumped up and spit it out.

NEXT: Conversation of the Day

FearMySpear: Hint.
SilverStallion: Why’d you say hint?
FearMySpear: I don’t know, but I had a sudden inclination to say hint!
SweetProdigy: Don’t overuse the word hint. The author already said hint a bunch of times.
FearMySpear: Why do people say hint? Ex: when people say, “take the hint!”
SilverStallion: Hint sounds better when you say, “Take the hint!” as opposed to, “Take the clue!”
SweetProdigy: Stop saying hint! It’s too repetitive when you say hint in every sentence!
SilverStallion: Take this hint, don’t reprimand people for using hint too many times. Freedom of speech!
FearMySpear: Hint, hint!
SweetProdigy: Okay, shut up! I don’t want to hear hint anymore, get the point?
FearMySpear: Why do people say get the point? A point is a noun, does point really fit in that sentence?
SweetProdigy: Well, I guess they mean point as in like, “Get what I’m trying to say?” On Word Document, a synonym for point is a position, so… Well, you get the point.
FearMySpear: I still don’t exactly get the point of point! How would you get the point by somebody’s explanation! There’s no point in using point for saying that you get the point when point is a tip or position, it just doesn’t make sense to me! So stop saying point, get the hint?
SweetProdigy: Okay, I get the poi – I mean hint.
SilverStallion: Hint was so last overdoing it.
SweetProdigy: Okay, then I don’t get the point, I don’t get the hint, I get the idea.

Wow, that was annoying. Was an excerpt from a *************** fanfic. Oh well, you can't blame me for being a kid with an OCD for fangirls.

Oh wait, what was I about to post about again? Oh yes, how my mother is racing against time to beat our neighbours to order the most amount of pizza in a week. (Seriously, they order like, two times a day, rain or shine..) And now, I'm so pissed at fanfiction since I got a new account and now they don't allow me to post until tomorrow to AVOID SPAM. I don't know how delaying my writing time can AVOID SPAM.

Anyway, broadcast to Ida:
Thanks for the plans for the damai, movies and blah blah blah. But just to let you know, don't be shocked when I go back because I've changed quite a bit. Well, you could say QUITE A LOT since I last saw you. This metamorphosis, both physically and mentally is due to certain train of events which let to the downfall of my last personality, which is a goof who was always shouting "EPICNESSHHH!" and screaming about flying monkeys.

Don't worry, I'l teach Dancing Queen a lesson too, if you're not too worried about his safety. ;)

Broadcast to everyone:
So seriously, I am BORED. And since this is a private blog, I won't be able to incur too much wrath from the readers, LOL.

Veni,vidi,vici... 12:47 AM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oooh! I deleted my old blog! Oops. I am a cowardly traitor of the dunno what the hell dynasty. I'm leading my own rebellion. Muahahaaha! I deleted "Life's Like That", "Unwritten Chronicles" AND "Unfrilled Prose" in less than a year. Now, I'm taking example from people like Phyllis, you know, those wisecracks. They are so smart.

I don't like shit ending up on my tagbox. If you want to tell me anything, write ELOQUENTLY. If you wanna be a Han strategist, a lizard with a penchant for flower pots or even a Lawyer, just write like one! Be a graceful critque, like any other person in the right mind.

So yeah. I deleted my old blog because some da bian ended up there. Not that I'm really offended but nobody really likes shit getting thrown on their tag box.

Wait, why do keep on using the word 'shit'?
It's so.. Unsightly. *Shudders* Like giant polka dotted butterflies. *SHUDDERS*

Veni,vidi,vici... 11:57 PM

%that's me
Kimberlyn. I'm so unique, I'm almost a brand. Sounds ironic. But hey, it's a crazy and awesome world anyway. I love this life I'm living, thanks. :D

~ love
~ hugs
~ silky shiny hair

~ Heaven
~ Cosplay
~ Scanner.


Customize the width and height to a smaller one :)

Use your unbelievably limited cranial capacity to scroll to the right. >>>>>>>>>>>





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